Monday, May 12, 2014

Wisdom Teeth in Hinesville @ Southern Georgia Oral Surgery

Wisdom teeth can be problematic and painful for patients in all age ranges.  I am always asked, When should I have my wisdom teeth removed?  Always remove the teeth when the is a current or pending issue.  Infection, cysts, swelling, and damage to adjacent teeth are very common justifications for removal of wisdom teeth.  Why sit back and observe a problems progression.  At Southern Georgia Oral Surgery, we clinically and radiographically identify issues related to wisdom teeth and address the patient accordingly.  As an oral surgeon in Hinesville and Waycross, we treat patients of all ages.  I have removed wisdom teeth of 10 yr old patients and have done so for varying reasons.  My advice is treat the patient, if the scenario dictates intervention.
Roger Myers DMD oral surgeon in Georgia at Southern Georgia Oral Surgery

Monday, May 5, 2014

Hinesvillle Oral Surgery Office 912-408-7100

Roger Myers DMD is an oral surgeon in Hinesville, GA with Southern Georgia Oral Surgery.  The office emphasizes the placement of dental implants, removal of wisdom teeth, extractions, TMJ and sedation for adults and children.  Reach us a